Party Wall
RICS Party Wall Surveyors in Manchester
Organising Party Wall Services in Manchester
Even if you think it’s unimportant, it’s always good to have a friendly conversation with any nearby neighbours who might be impacted by your construction plans. No matter how well you and your neighbours might get along, it’s best to have an open line of communication and a friendly relationship.
You could therefore talk to your neighbours about the works you’d like to do to your property. They may then agree and be happy to carry on with the process, which means you won’t need a party wall surveyor. You would still need to formally serve notice and it is best to do this via a party wall surveyor to ensure it is valid, otherwise you may make a mistake and have to start again.
This way you can communicate with your neighbours about the renovations you wish to undertake on your property. If they do not have any issues with this, you could skip the party wall surveyor. However, you still need to serve notice. The best way to do this is through a party wall surveyor (to ensure it’s valid), but you could also handle it yourself if you wish. However, keep in mind if you make a mistake you might have to start over.
Agreement is only the first step. Disputes can still occur when two property owners decide to build on or near a boundary. Both property owners should make sure to use a surveyor before construction begins, and then again after it has finished, to assess any potential damage to the property that may have resulted from the work. As per law, you are required to appoint a property wall surveyor if a dispute arises.
The need to have a party wall surveyor in Manchester
You can Hire a Manchester Party Wall Surveyor to:
- fulfil legal obligations
- receive specialized advice
- prevent legal conflicts
- reduce project delays
- document property condition
Some of the Projects That Usually Require a Party Wall Surveyor:
- ground movement and foundation support
- attic conversions
- side and rear additions
- basement expansions
- wall demolition
- new construction and renovations
- internal modifications
How much does a Party Wall in Manchester, London, Bristol, Birmingham & Cardiff Cost?
The majority of Party Wall Surveyors in Manchester charge a fixed hourly rate for the work that they do. This will generally be within the range of £150 to £300, depending on who you employ and how urgent the task is. The cost incurred by the building owner for surveyors working on a party wall issue averages between £1,000 and £1,500. This cost includes the time that the surveyors devote to the matter, which includes dealing with necessary notices, preparing a schedule of conditions, and producing the required “award,” which is the party wall equivalent of a court judgment. The factors that influence the amount in this range include:
- size of property
- location
- complexity of project
- damage risk to the neighbouring property
- architectural design completeness
- number of surveyors appointed
- negotiations
In case the adjoining owner wants to appoint a surveyor, it will be the responsibility of the building owner to pay their fees. The surveyor acting for the building owner will discuss and determine what constitutes a fair fee for the adjoining owner’s surveyor based on the nature of the work involved. In contrast, when both the building owner and the adjoining owner agree to have a single surveyor act for them, it is called having an “Agreed Surveyor,” and it is usually both less expensive and more efficient.
Who is a Party Wall Surveyor?
A party wall surveyor is a surveyor appointed by statute under the Party Wall etc. Act 1996. You must work with them if you plan to do:
- Excavate or underpin within 3-6 meters of a neighbour’s foundations
- Extend out a party wall
- Modify shared walls (party walls)
- Work on structures shared between flats, such as walls or floors
- Alter garden boundary walls
- Thicken, raise, or add a damp-proof course to party walls
- Convert loft spaces into a living area
You can significantly enhance the value of your property through construction work, extensions, and alterations. As per law, if your building work is too close to a party wall, you must inform your neighbours about it. You do not need their approval if the project is permitted under the Act. However, in case a dispute arises you will be required to appoint a surveyor.
We have a dedicated team of Party Wall Surveyors in Manchester to oversee your project and guide you through the process. They will prepare the service of Notices, Schedules of Condition, Party Wall Awards, and possibly Licences to Alter.
Their top priority is to ensure that party wall issues are as simple as possible, even when they might seem excessively intricate. If you appoint them team, they will take the most challenging tasks off your hands, allowing you to maintain focus on more important matters. As experienced party wall surveyors, they will work on your behalf to minimize both disputes and expenses.
When is it necessary to serve a Party Wall Notice?
What is the most effective method of delivering a Party Wall Notice?
The most efficient and legally accurate way is to have a surveyor serve the notice. It is a crucial legal document, and like all good legal documents, it must contain specific essential information to be effective. This includes:
- Names and contact details of both you and your neighbour
- Work description and location
- Proposed start dates
- Response options for the adjoining owner
To issue a party wall notice—necessary when you plan to work on a shared wall—you must allow a minimum of 2 months before construction can actually begin. The notice must be sent to both the owner and the leaseholder of the shared property (using their registered address) and must include all the details required by the Party Wall Act to make it a legal document.
You can serve the notice even if you have not obtained planning permission and can also serve it up to a year in advance of actually beginning the work. Once you serve it, you have up to a year to initiate the work after serving the notice.
Once the Party Wall Notice has been delivered to the adjoining owner, they have 2 weeks to reply. If the neighbouring owner does not agree with the notice, they have the option of appointing a surveyor and proceeding to the next stage of the process. If during this time the neighbouring owner has still not reached a decision, then your surveyor will serve another notice, giving the neighbouring owner an extension of 10 days. If at the end of this time the neighbouring owner is still refusing to either accept or dispute the notice, then the law deems a dispute to have arisen and another additional surveyor needs to be appointed.
Why do you need to hire a Party Wall Surveyor?
If you plan to perform any work described in the Party Wall etc. Act of 1996, you have to tell your neighbour what you intend to do. Either you or your builder must notify your neighbours of your intention to build near the shared wall (or “party wall”). This ensures that an agreement can be reached between the two parties on how to proceed further. The panel of surveyors we have here at Manchester Surveyors is more than capable of drafting a party wall agreement. This panel can ensure that this agreement is fair to all parties concerned and that it adheres to the necessary procedural and legislative steps required by a party wall agreement to be valid. These surveyors can act as your representative, as the adjoining owner’s representative, or as an Agreed Surveyor if required.
Get in Touch today to Resolve your Party Wall Disputes in Manchester
The panel of expert party wall surveyors in Manchester can help homeowners, leaseholders, landlords, and investors navigate the party wall process and stay within legal bounds. The team can help you minimize the risk of incurring unnecessary costs and delays. They are happy to provide you with free initial advice to help you sort your disputes.
If you’re planning to modify your property and the work involves impacting party walls, boundary walls, or excavation within 3-6 meters of their property—you need a party wall surveyor on your side to ensure everything goes smoothly. The team here at Manchester Party Wall Surveyors can help prevent any problems and disputes during the works. Contact us today for more information!

Surveys of Commercial Property
If you’re thinking of acquiring, leasing, subletting, disposing of, or altering commercial premises in Manchester, you would be well advised to locate a surveyor skilled in the nuances of commercial building surveying – should you spot a defect in a commercial building you can use that information to negotiate an asking price for the property that’s considerably lower than what the seller originally wanted, or you can talk your way out of a bad deal altogether.
Our Manchester-based team of RICS-compliant commercial building surveyors is equipped to handle matters throughout Manchester.
Our team prioritizes client care above all else. We look forward to being in touch with you so you can instruct a surveyor in Manchester, London, Bristol, Birmingham or Cardiff. You can reach out to us easily. Just fill out our form, and we’ll get back to you with a free quote for your survey. All our surveyors are qualified as members of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) and we are one of the UK’s leading providers of building survey and valuation services:
- Accredited Professionals: Certified by organizations like RICS, CIOB, and RPSA.
- Customized Survey Reports: inspections to meet your specific requirements.
- Local Expertise: Deep understanding and specialized knowledge.
- Expert Guidance: Professional recommendations and support.
The property survey you commission will be carried out by an accredited professional. Your chartered surveyor will be a member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) or the Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB), or will belong to some other industry-standard professional body. Rest assured; you will receive highest quality of professional service for your survey.