Rent Reviews
Manchester Rent Review
In Manchester’s commercial property market, it is standard practice to have periodic rent reviews, these allow the landlord and tenant to renegotiate what the tenant pays to occupy the premises – while it is certainly possible for a rent review to be conducted peacefully and amicably, it is more typical for parties to engage in rent-review negotiations with rather different and heated perspectives. On one side is the landlord, whose aim is to maximize income from the property on the other side is the tenant, who aims to minimize costs.
What is Rent Review?
When does your rent change? The property market situation is one of the major factors influencing the outcome of a commercial rent review, a landlord has a better chance of getting higher rents in a bustling property market, but a property market that is not as vibrant gives tenants a better chance of securing lower rents. Of course, location, the condition of the property, and the strength of the tenant’s business can all be important factors in the mix.
How do Rent Reviews in Manchester Work?
Rent reviews are used to assess the property’s condition as it stands and to amend the lease accordingly if there has been significant movement in the market rental value of comparable properties.
Reviews can happen every three to five years, and landlords cannot typically demand them more frequently than that (although they can ask tenants to negotiate upwards if a property is in really bad shape), And conversely commercial tenants cannot usually move down on the amounts they are responsible for when they pay their rent or move downward on the amount they are responsible for when they do maintenance and repair work.
Who performs Rent Reviews?
In Manchester it is usual for independent Rent Reviews to be performed by Chartered Surveyors, these professionals assess not only the property but also the local market to determine what is a fair rent, both parties—landlords and tenants—can choose their own independent surveyors – the two work together to arrive at a figure that is acceptable to both sides.
Preparing for Rent Reviews
Getting ready for a commercial rent review is crucial for both landlords and tenants for landlords, this means understanding three core concepts: the commercial property market, the condition and value of the property and the tenant’s requirements.
With this knowledge the landlord can negotiate effectively to arrive at a mutually acceptable lease agreement, landlords also need to gather and produce relevant documentation including financial information that pertains to the property and the tenant, to assist the tenant in making a well-reasoned decision regarding the lease agreement.
The prospective renter should arm themselves not only with financial data but also with other relevant information about their business, they should know their rights and obligations under the lease and be prepared to negotiate in good faith with the landlord.
Reaching a fair and equitable settlement in commercial rent reviews in Manchester is an involved and time-consuming process with both sides coming to the table well-prepared and well-represented; however, it is possible for landlords and tenants to arrive at an outcome that works for them both.
If my Landlord Raises the Rent, What Steps Should I Take?
When you receive the rental review notice the first thing you need to do is determine the maximum rental value that your business can tolerate and pay, next, you need to look into the average price per square foot for local properties that are similar to yours in terms of space, condition, and location.
Keep in mind any significant upgrades or changes the landlord may have made to the property that could justify an increase in rent – when you and your landlord go through the rent reviews and lease renewal process, make sure you have references to local market activity and pricing trends to help negotiate a fair outcome.
Disputes Resolved by a Rent Review Surveyor
When disputes arise in contentious situations it is often incredibly helpful to have a professional on hand to smooth over the process, rent review surveyors are just that – they are experts in the process of rent review and in matters surrounding it – They can keep a negotiation from hitting too many snags and can avoid it from becoming too prolonged and painful. Come negotiation day, the landlord and tenant will each have their own representative.
How is a Rent Review Process Conducted in Manchester, London, Bristol, Birmingham, Kingston, and Cardiff?
Ensure you or your landlord have provided sufficient notice before asking for a rent review, a Chartered Surveyor will steer the conversation about the tenant’s rent review in a very important direction: toward the notice period; the usual benchmark is around 3 months.
How is an Equitable Rent Review Settled?

Surveys of Commercial Property
If you’re thinking of acquiring, leasing, subletting, disposing of, or altering commercial premises in Manchester, you would be well advised to locate a surveyor skilled in the nuances of commercial building surveying – should you spot a defect in a commercial building you can use that information to negotiate an asking price for the property that’s considerably lower than what the seller originally wanted, or you can talk your way out of a bad deal altogether.
Our Manchester-based team of RICS-compliant commercial building surveyors is equipped to handle matters throughout Manchester.
Our team prioritizes client care above all else. We look forward to being in touch with you so you can instruct a surveyor in Manchester, London, Bristol, Birmingham or Cardiff. You can reach out to us easily. Just fill out our form, and we’ll get back to you with a free quote for your survey. All our surveyors are qualified as members of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) and we are one of the UK’s leading providers of building survey and valuation services:
- Accredited Professionals: Certified by organizations like RICS, CIOB, and RPSA.
- Customized Survey Reports: inspections to meet your specific requirements.
- Local Expertise: Deep understanding and specialized knowledge.
- Expert Guidance: Professional recommendations and support.
The property survey you commission will be carried out by an accredited professional. Your chartered surveyor will be a member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) or the Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB), or will belong to some other industry-standard professional body. Rest assured; you will receive highest quality of professional service for your survey.