Monitoring Surveys

Regulated Surveyors by RICS, CIOB and RPSA

Why do we perform Movement Monitoring?

Worried about fractures or structural changes in your home or property? Surveying services can give you peace of mind, allowing you to get on with your life during a stressful building period. They provide detailed report of the movement of your foundations over certain timeframes—that can help you understand what is happening (or not happening) to your structure.

It is important to commence monitoring at the earliest possible opportunity on larger structural projects, especially when they fall under the jurisdiction of the Party Wall Act 1996. This Act, more often invoked in recent years, serves to keep everything in compliance between neighbouring property owners.

How to monitor movement in Manchester?

Movement can be monitored in several different ways. One of the more common ones is crack monitoring. In this method, metal studs are installed on either side of a fissure. They take regular readings and let us know if the crack is doing anything—opening, closing, or nothing. The metal studs can give us this information down to a measurement of 0.1 millimeters.

Typically, monitoring takes place over 3 – 12 months, to identify whether the area is still in motion. A movement system is installed at a few points on an adjacent property to give early detection to the owner of the adjacent property and to provide the builder with some peace of mind. The owner would certainly be more at ease knowing that any problem that might arise with his property would be seen and corrected before the builder goes to the finish stage of construction.

Feel free to contact us today for any additional information on monitoring solutions or any of the other services we offer.

Surveys of Commercial Property

If you’re thinking of acquiring, leasing, subletting, disposing of, or altering commercial premises in Manchester, you would be well advised to locate a surveyor skilled in the nuances of commercial building surveying – should you spot a defect in a commercial building you can use that information to negotiate an asking price for the property that’s considerably lower than what the seller originally wanted, or you can talk your way out of a bad deal altogether. 

Our Manchester-based team of RICS-compliant commercial building surveyors is equipped to handle matters throughout Manchester.


Our team prioritizes client care above all else. We look forward to being in touch with you so you can instruct a surveyor in Manchester, London, Bristol, Birmingham or Cardiff. You can reach out to us easily. Just fill out our form, and we’ll get back to you with a free quote for your survey. All our surveyors are qualified as members of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) and we are one of the UK’s leading providers of building survey and valuation services:

The property survey you commission will be carried out by an accredited professional. Your chartered surveyor will be a member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) or the Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB), or will belong to some other industry-standard professional body. Rest assured; you will receive highest quality of professional service for your survey.

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